a First Grade Characteristics | Miss Raquel Sterczek's First Grade Classroom Website


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First graders are embarking on a journey. There are so many new experiences: expanding their reading skiills, writing whole stories, learning the sounds and blends of the alphabet, taking tests, doing homework, and much, much more! The first grader is making an important transition into the wider world. Even though children may have been in pre-school and kindergarten, first grade will be a new and different experience.
Characteristics of 6 and 7 year olds

First graders can plan and carry out simple tasks and responsibilities. They understand that actions have consequences. They may be motivated by a strong desire to please family members and others in authority as well as a need to conform to their peers.

There can be occassional regressions and resistance to leaving early childhood behind. Some children demonstrate this resistance by being sick on a morning or after coming to school. Others may throw a never-before-seen tantrum. With parent and teacher encouragement, they grow past this stage.

Friends are especially important to first graders. It is common for first graders to experience intense, though brief, attachments. Every day first graders have new best friends.

At 6 or 7 of age, children are capable of making moral choices. Given good examples and clear moral guidelines, they can choose between right and wrong. They can begin to form their conscience.

Children of this age cango through many different moods. The first graders generally maintain an optimistic disposition. They love to celebrate. They have an innate love of drama, rhythm, and ritual.

Parent-Teacher collaboration is a key factor to the successful outcome of a child's education. With this partnership between home and school, children will learn and grow in the positive atmosphere of adults working together on the child's behalf. You can support your child and teacher if you...
Guide your child to complete homework assignments
Go over corrected work with your child
Help your child study for tests
Keep the teach informed of any learning or behavior problems you observe at home. If there are any circumstances at home or school which may affect your child (positive or negative), please communicate with the appropriate school staff.
Student - Teacher - Family
Together, we are building a solid foundation for life-long success.
Parents have daily opportunities to assist in classroom activities. Being a classroom volunteer (pre-arranged with teacher) gives parents a chance to observe and take part in their child's education.
A newsletter is sent home weekly which shares with parents many of the classroom activities and keeps them up to date on their child's school life.
There are two scheduled conferences for all parents during the year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Additional conferences are arranged as needed. Parents and teachers can also contact each other through e-mail, voicemail, a note in their child's Parent/Teacher Communication folder or the open door policy.
As children begin their education in first grade, my goal is to encourage a balance between development of the whole child and a core of information which helps them become competent learners.
Miss Sterczek